"Do I fear every Venezuelan immigrant? Of course not. This is not a racial or ethnic issue. This is, however, an all too real gang issue." -- Leonard Frieling, Lafayette
"The Republicans cannot vote out an unpopular and unethical leader. The governor has obliged the authors of a brutal tax issue by ordering a special session of the legislature. Where...
"... my blood ran cold with your story on peaches on pizza. While this kind of blasphemy may not be illegal, it should be." -- Agust Gudmundsson, Castle Rock
"The action by the department in prohibiting a Denver Post columnist who covers CU football from asking questions is unconscionable." -- Bill Allegar, Denver
"The use of a ballot measure to cudgel the government into making more cuts by Michael Fields and a certain portion of the business community is appalling. A promise to...
"Any discussion of Denver weather records must include the fact that the official recording site was moved to Denver International Airport (DIA) when opened in 1995. This location has a...
"If break dancing is a medal event, then why not ballet, tap dancing, and trapeze performances? We might as well throw in zip-lining." --Walter Bonora, Erie